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Provincia Antillia
and largest city
Ethnic groups
• Emperor
• Imperial Governor
Province of Byzantium

Antillia is a former independent Principality located on a volcanic archipelago of the same name in the Pelagos located a little over 400 miles east of Laestrygon. It consists of 11 main islands, 11 named minor islands and numerous islets and rocks. It was settled in several waves from the mainland and has had a long history of interaction with the kingdoms there but was long treated as a backwater or frontier. With the advent of trade between Byzantium and Amber it became of strategic importance since it lies along the main sailing route from Byzantium to Amber and is the last place to put ashore for nearly 2000 miles. After a long history of independence the islands were conquered by Byzantium about 20 years ago and much of its citizenry killed, carried off, or fled into exile. Antillia is now a sub-kingdom of Byzantium ruled by one of the sons of the Emperor.



A peculiarity of the Antillian culture is to name features with a common root but specific endings. For example The island of Xankus hosts the town of Xanka and the extinct volcano Mt. Xanko.



Ancient Antillians


4000 B.P. - 2500 B.P.

The earliest signs of occupation are ancient stone monuments lining paths to the tops of the volcanoes on the islands of Swald, Democoon, Aretus, Policanic, Laocon, and some of the peaks on Antillia. These people may have originated on the mainland as their language and features resemble those of the later Laestrygonians. There are a few legends told by the hill people of Antillia that suggest they are descendants of the Ancient antillians. Based on these stories the civilization may have been destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption and following famine shortly before the arrival of the Wilusans. The Ancient Antillians do not seem to have been great seafarers.

Ancient Paths


Located on the more northern islands are what appear to be ancient stone roads lined with small stone monuments in the shape of a pyramid that run from the shoreline to the summit of one of the mountains, usually an active volcano. These paths exist on Mt. Swaldo, Mt. Democoono and Mt. Napo on Democoon, Mt. Areto, Mt. Polcanico, Mt. Sarpedo, Mt. Laocono, Mt. Caplo, and Mt. Xavolo. Paths do not run to Mt. Mamono on Aretus which is active or Mt. Tullo on Antillia which lies between Mt. Sarpedo and Mt. Caplo.

Wilusans and Laestrygons


2500 B.P. - 1500 B. P.

There are three competing legends concerning the city of Wilusa and the islands of Antillia.

The first involves Antillius son of a Wilusan princess and a minor king of Laestrygon. At a young age Antillius's mother had him swear an oath never to war on her people and if he did never to return home. When Antillius was called to war against Wilusa by the Great King of Laestrygon he left knowing he would never return and took everything he would need to found a new city. When the city fell he sailed not towards home but straight out to sea. After many days sailing he saw smoke from two points (Mt. Policanic and Mt. Xavlo). Sailing between them he sighted the island of Antillia, and a great river. On the banks of the river he founded the city of Dierna, named for his mother. The island and the island group came to be named after him.

The second concern refugees from the city. When the great city of Wilusa fell many of its citizens manged to escape. One Prince, Democoon and his small fleet were blown ashore on the island of Isa at sunset. Grateful to be on land again after a terrible storm they spent the night asleep on the beach. By morning they found found the nearby river had dried up over night. The searched far upstream in search of fresh water. They found the water from the hot springs on the mountain had recently been blocked by a landslide and the nymph of the springs distraught. She begged them to remove the blockage, which they did. In return she gave each captain a different colored dove and told them to take them back to the beach then release them. Each captain should then follow the dove and found a new new city where it landed. These cities were promised to be prosperous. The doves led the captains in various directions, the islands they landed are were Democoon, Laocon, Pammon, Zelon, Cromon, Xankus, Aretus, Glaokus, Isus, Axus. The islands are named for the captains of the various ships. They made no initial settlements on Antillia or Swald.

The third is an alternate tradition on the second told predominately on Aretus. It maintains that there were two fleets, one made up of Wilusans fleeing the destruction of the city and one following behind made up of the sackers of the city of Wilusa returning home. They both landed on Isus and realizing they were both lost came to an agreement to divide the islands by lot rather than continuing to sail on. Swald was avoided because it was erupting, Antillia was to be held in common once the collectively conquered the natives (the remains of the Ancient Antillians). The north of Antillia was avoided because it was devoid of life and barren rock. Islands that are named with a -on ending were named for refugees of Wilusa, those with -us for captains of the Laestrygon fleet.

Whichever legend is true the settlers quickly came to dominate all of the the islands absorbing whatever native population may or may not have been there. Each island was ruled as its own petty kingdom for many years. The Wilusans were accomplished seafarers even before arrival and maintained that tradition. They eventually set out trade expeditions and made contact with Laestrygon and the surrounding areas. However distance and lack of resources kept the islands from much involvement wih the mainland empires that rose and fell.

Several hundred years after the arrival of the Wilusians the city states of Laestrygon began to send out organized colonies. Records how the founding of Mysia, Caria, Demnosia, Ciconia, Massia, Teria, Camvasia, Enetia, Neria, and Henecia by the colonists. All of these cities were founded as independent states with ties back to their mother city. These colonies exerted authority over the west and south of Antillia. Collectively the city states would form a loose confederation.

Age of Empires


1500 B.P. - 1200 B.P.

Zosimid Empire


One the mainland the city states of Laestrygon were eventually united under Nicolaus. His son Acronus further conquered much of the mainland in a great war against Zoroas. During that war Acronus laid siege to the great coastal city of Belus at the Gates of Promakhos. Without a significant navy of his own he contracted Confederation of Antillia and they provided ships and men to cut the city off from the sea so he could complete the siege. When Acronus died the empire crumbled into several smaller empires. His general Zosimus retained much of old Leastrygon and antillia. Its unclear what happened to the Confederation but its clear the transition to Zosimid rule was peaceful.

The rule of the Zosimid's divided the islands into four administrative districts from east to west via the Boiling Channel, then the central ridge of Antillia and the Illona Pass and from north to south along the Cassa Pass, and the valleys of the Lysicea and Ethea rivers. These districts became the basis of the independent Dukedoms that would follow. Trade with the mainland during this period flourished. The west coast port cities in particular thrived. The islands would remain part of the empire for hundreds of years, This rule further homogenized the culture across all the island.

Veiian Empire


1200 B.P. - 543 B.P.

The Zosimid empire ceased to exist when it was absorbed by the empire of Veii. The transition of Antillia to their rule was uneventful.

The Age of Dukedoms

File:Antillia regions.png

534 B.P. -

As the Veiian empire collapsed Kven pressure from the north increased. There had always been knowledge that the north existed but little trade or contact with it. Ancient records speak of small settlements of Kvens on Swald and it is believed the island takes it name from them. Kvens began arriving in greater and greater numbers, both peacefully and violently. The civilian governors of the four districts were converted to military governors. The withdraw of the last Veiian legion in 534 B.P. left the island on their own and those governors were forced to rely on local forces. They assumed the titles of Dukes and many of the towns beneath them came to be ruled by Counts.

The four duchies which emerged roughly corresponded to the Zosimid/Veiin administrative districts: Dierna, Henecia, Xankus and Democoon. Democoon controlled the north: Swald, Laocon, Isus and part of the north coast of Antillia. Xankus the central islands of Pammon, Zelon, and a sliver of eastern Antillia. Henecia the south eastern part of Antillia, as well as Cromon, Glaokus and Axus, Dierna the west of Antillia and Aretus. Xankus quickly captured Philomena and Sabea securing its position on the Bay of Lycia. Likewise Henecia took the territory to secure Phegea, Tinlea and Enetia. Despite generations of fighting these borders remained relatively stable with only minor towns changing hands.

Democoon, Swald and Aretus where hit the most influenced by the Kvens. At one point they sacked and destroyed the city of Caria and for almost a decade occupied Massia before being driven out by the Duke of Dierna. In addition to raiding however they also settled. The Svens took up residence on long avoided Swald, northern Demoocoon and the Sarpedo peninsula. Grunhof on Policanic became a center of Sven power and the ruler of Grunhof came to rival the native Dukes for power.


Unified Arms of Antillia
Unified Arms of Antillia

Eventually Dierna and Henecia united in an alliance and founded a new capitol at Colcha, well inland to protect it form Kven raiders, and situated withing striking distance of Xankus's Antillian holdings. United they eliminated first Xankus then the Kvens at Policanic. This left Democoon alone in the north. Surprisingly, on the advice of the oracle, Democoon immediately offered to join the alliance, provided the alliance take the next step and crown a Prince but one who had never lived in either Dierna nor Henecia nor had ever lived in one of those cities territories. They expected that choice to be either a Democoonian or rejected.

The Lords of Dierna and Henecia however quickly agreed to the terms. Recently a son of the Lord of Dierna had been married to a daughter of the lord of Henecia. Just before the offer from Democcon came word had arrived that she had given birth to a son in the town of Antilia (which was technically in the territory of recently conquered Xankus whose territory had not yet been divided). They quickly proclaimed him Prince and he was crowned before the return message even reached Democoon.

Seeing the will of the oracle fulfilled in spirit even if not as they expected Democoon accepted and the struggle to raise the Prince began.

The Princes


Alexander the Young


1 A.P. -59 A.P.

The first prince. Crowned weeks after birth. It is said that William lived briefly in every town in Antillia as each town vied to participate in raising him. Even after he reached his majority William continued to travel around the kingdom taking an ever larger court with him. His reign much to homogenize the culture of the islands.

Antillian years are numbered from Alexander's birth, not his crowning as Prince.

Simon the Seafarer


59 - 97

The reign of Simon was one of reassurance after isolation in the Age of Dukedoms. Contact with the new empire of Byzantium was established and new trade routes restored to the west.



97 - 127



127 - 146

During the reign of Theodosius exiles from on of Byzantium's many civil wars founded a colony called Mysia on the nearly uninhabited island of Swald. Theodosius was the 4th son of Leon the other all died before their father. Theodosius was married to the daughter of a Sven noble from Aretus long before his brothers died. She introduced many Sven customs, and the Sven names of her children to the court at Colcha.

William the Sven


146 - 151

Atypical of a Davrialin William was blond and resembled his mother's people more than anyone else. He relocated the capitol to Aretus and raised his family there. William died leading an expedition to conquer the Laestrygon city of Volos.

Leon II the Defender


151 - 176

Leon came to the throne at an early age after the untimely death of his father. He spent most his his youth however on Aretus, only relocating to Antillia proper when his father died. His fathers attack on Volos brought Antillia to the attention of the powers on the mainland. A young Byzantine Prince saw Antillia as a potential base of operations against Laestrygon. When a conflict arouse between Leon's regency council and the governor of Massia, Delmatius, Byzantium took the opportunity to intervene. Nominally reasserting the "legitimate rule" of Delmatius Byzantium invaded and quickly overran Aretus, Swald and Policanic without much resistance taking advantage of Sven discontent. They also seized Massia and reinstated Delmatius, promoting him to a Count in the process.

Conquest of the rest of the islands would take longer. The first set back was the recall of the majority of Byzantium's army to deal with a civil war. This left Delmatius and a handful of minor officers and nobles from Byzantium to finish the conquest. They soon began to fight among themselves and to make greater and greater demands on their Sven subjects. Eventually Delmatius was assassinated by a Byzantium officer who seized control of Massia. He was able to assert his authority over the remaining forces of Byzantium and soon laid siege to Dierna.

Working behind the scenes however Leon used his familiarity with the Svens to convince them it was time to revolt. Together with a fleet assembled in the east the islands of Swald, Aretus and Policanic were returned to the the Principality by Leon and the Svens. They also managed to seize the remains of the Byzantium fleet at Grunhof. Landing between Dierna and Massia they crushed the remaining forces from Byzantium between themselves and the main Antilian army near Gandea.



171 - 197

The reign of Michel was one of shoring up the southern and western defenses of Antillia in anticipation of a new invasion which never came. Byzantium continued its conquests on the mainland but deemed Antillia not worth the effort.

Simon II


197 - 210

A minor note on Simon II's reign. It is 8th year a ship from a never before heard of place called Amber arrived at Neria. They claimed to be on the way home from Byzantium. Soon of the ships followed, all from the south west, but never any from the north east headed to Byzantium.

William II


210 - 225

During William's reign four great lighthouses were built to facilitate the trade with Amber. Two to mark the narrowest point of the Andra Strait and one each at the harbors of Henecia and Dierna. Each was built of black volcanic stone and 180 ft in height. Their lights can be seen some 19 miles out to sea.

Micheal II


225 - 244

As trade between Amber and Byzantium increased it became more and more apparent that the islands of Antillia were located on a strategic position along that trade route. The last ruling Prince Micheal II fought a losing war against Byzantium. Michael's son and wife fled to Amber. William was raised there in exile.



296 A.P.


File:Davril map.png

The Principality is congruent with the volcanic archipelago of Antillia lying about 300 miles north of Byzantium in the Ernas Sea. The island chain is 435 miles from Gorgythion the Northwest to Axius in the Southeast and 366 miles wide from Aretus to Mylius. The main islands and numerous smaller island comprise some 22,876 square miles. The highest point the is active volcano Mt. Swalda. The northwestern islands tend to be volcanicly active, higher and rougher in terrain while the more southern islands are lower and flatter.

The islands lie along the main trade route from Byzantium to Amber. The return route from Amber to Byzantium lies nearly a thousand miles.further south. Prevailing winds and a warm ocean current come from the southwest making travel from Byzantium quick and easy. Ships make landfall, most frequently at Hernicia, to replenish supplies before the longest part of the journey then pass though the deep Andra Strait and on towards Amber. This route avoids the shallow water around the Glaokans, Axus and submerged sea mounts and rocks further south.

The island comprise some 21,8667 square miles and hold nearly 2 million people.

Main Islands


The main islands are all inhabited with permanent villages, towns and cities.

  • Aretus- The westernmost island and volcanicly active. Most of the population is concentrated on the east coast as far from the volcanoes as possible.
  • Axus - The southernmost of the islands it is long, thin and nearly flat. Only one lone hill rises in the central portion of the island.
  • Cromon - Cromna was home to the Dukes of Croman a perpetual thorn in the side of the Princes of Antillia. Rumors still circulate that the Dukes conspired with Byzantium during the recent invasion.
  • Antillia - Antillia is the largest island and central to the chain. It has 5 peaks none of which have erupted in historical memory, however Mt. Sarpedo is know to smoke on occasion and there are geysers and hot springs found on the island particularly in the north and around Mt. Xavlo. The population is clustered in the south and east. Hernicia (pop 25,000) and Dierna (pop 17,000) are the two largest cities islands both thriving on trade with the mainland though in recent years Henecia is growing tremendously with the boot of trade with Amber. The old capitol of Colcha (pop 15,000) was established by the Princes of Antillia as fortified capitol centrally located to the islands population, and has been neglected since it was sack by Byzantium. Little has been rebuilt.
  • Democoon - The second largest island with a wide southern plain that rises swiftly to two volcanic peaks. Despite the danger of the volcanoes Democoon is densely populated. The dukes if Democoon were long remained independent of the rest of the Principality governing the nearby islands. Democoona (pop 8862) is the fourth largest city in the island but little more than half the size of Colcha.
  • Isus - The oracle of Isus is located on the slopes of the mountain is a site for pilgrimages for many in the islands.
  • Laocon - Another island with an active volcano.
  • Pammon - Like most the eastern and southern island Pammon is flat. Its shares a large shallow a lagoon with Zelon.
  • Swald - The third largest island is also the most volcanic active of the inhabited islands. Mt. Swaldo has erupted several times destroying Mysia less than a hundred years ago but leaving the old road to its peak intact. Swald in virtually uninhabited.
  • Xankus - The island's coast line is mostly sea cliffs making it almost inaccessible except though the port of Xanka. This is where the last defenders of Antillia had their final stand against the Byzantine invaders.
  • Zelon - Zelon may soon become two islands. The narrow isthmus is already washed by the sea in storms. Its shallow lagoon is known for its pearl divers.

Minor islands

  • Gorgythion - the newest island it has appeared in historical times.
  • Bias - Bias is little more than a sandbank. It may not be geologically related to the rest of the islands.
  • Mylius - The most remote island it lies 54 miles northeast of Eresus. It is know for its unique birds, several species unique to the island have multicolored plumage unlike the birds on nearby islands.
  • Telestas - lying between Antillia and Zelon the island was long contested and has the ruins of several towns.
  • Polon
  • Listus
  • Policanic - Policanic has an excellent harbor but a somewhat active volcano so it has been generally avoided. While the volcano is not know to sprew smoke or lava it shakes frequently. Policanic was conquered in recorded history by the Maniots who still practice strange customs.

The Glaokan Group


The Glaokan group is a collection of small islands, reefs and shoals that are in general a hazard to navigation. At times a person can walk from one island to the others, at other times the larger islands themselves are washed over by the sea. Legends refer only to Glaokus not the other islands and they may once have been combined as a single island. Other than the town of Glaoka and the lighthouse on Crysig there are few permanent residents on Biantes, Axion, Crysig, Eresus or the many smaller islets.

Volcanic Features


Almost all of the islands are riddled with volcanic features; caves, lava tubes, hot springs, mud pots and geysers. The last three tend to be more concentrated in the northern and eastern reaches.

Cave and lava tubes that sometimes run for miles under seemingly solid ground. They have been used to great effect time and again as secret passages for locals against attackers and as places of refuge for civilians. The caves have their own ecosystems.

The geysers, hot springs and mud pots each has a nymph that on rare occasions interacts with the local people. It is considered good luck to see and converse with a nymph from a geysers or hot spring but bad luck to do the same with one from a mud pot. The geysers and hot springs are often treated as local gods, given gifts and venerated, the mud pot are generally avoided.



The islands sit at a critical place in the Pelagos. From the southwest a great warm current flows through the islands bringing warm moist air as well as human traffic towards Amber. Just north of the islands a cold current comes down from the arctic and is deflected westward by the warm current. This combination produces extensive fog banks. Because of the warm current the only places on the islands where frost or freezes occur are tops of the highest peaks. Hurricanes generally come from due south, or even south west curing with the current.

Flora and Fauna


The height of the volcanoes produces a wide range of habitats from the mangrove swamps along the coast to the cedar forest slopes to the treeless, snow covered peaks. Past lava flows also produce unique environments inhabited by pioneer plants, and extensive lave tube caves with their own ecosystems.

The islands are lacking in native large land animals. The only native mammals are bats. Dogs, cats, ferrets, horses, goats, sheep, pigs and cows have all been purposefully imported. Joining them several species of ships rats and house mice brought in accidentally, but there are no other land mammals, no deer, squirrels or rabbits. Likewise there are no amphibians and only a few native lizards and one type of land terrapin.

There a hundreds of bird species, some unique to only one island. Many type of flightless birds exist on the larger islands and small inaccessible islets and cliffs are often home to large colones of sea birds. The islands are also a stop over for any migratory birds.

In contrast sea life is abundant. Whales, dolphins and seals are frequently seen. The islands sounds are filled with fish and invertebrate species.

Class structure and unnobalization


Until the fall of the Principality is maintained a highly stratified class structure of nobles, unnobles and peasants. The system provided that tha sons and grandsons of any title holder were noble as well but great-grandsons would technically be reduced to peasants (unnobalization) who were tied to the land as serfs. These unnobled however were not tied to the land and formed a mobile class of merchants and traders. Further more because there were times when great-great grandchildren or distant relatives of a noble inherited a title these former nobles and their descendants took great pride in their ancestry and formed a third class between the nobles and peasant called the unnobled.

Under the new Byzantine management this class structure has been abolished with all Antillians reduced to conditions worse than the former peasantry.



Ethnic Groups


Long periods of peace and stability have homogenized the islands population. The majority of Antillians are a mixture of the Ancient Antillian, Wilusan and Laestrygon peoples. The tend to be dark hair and dark eyed and have a moderate complexion. Some language differences can still be seen between the hll people of Antillia and the coastal communities and place names often reflect past divisions. Only in the north east is the there a significant minority population, there the Kvens, taller and lighter overall are more commonly found.

Antillian Religion


Each island is believed to have its own god who is the same as the land and his spouse(s) who is the spirit of the island's mountain(s). Each god is the child of sea god (Pothoseid) who rules over all. Each time the god of the sea has another son a new island is born. Pothoseid has no spouse but is self fertile/productive, producing only sons. His sons acquire wives outside of their father's lineage and may have several at once. Each island has its own story about how its god got his wife. The religion explains eruptions as the gods spouse being in the throws of passion. Islands with small or insignificant mountains may also have tales about the island god casting out his wife. Hot springs and geysers are populated by female (springs) and male (geysers) nymph like creatures who are the children of the god and their wife.

While each island has its own god/goddess the practice of religion across the islands is relatively standardized.

Myths among the peasantry of central Antillia talk of a great cataclysm and famine long ago when the god Antill pleasured his wife Tullo starting in summer just before harvest all winter. None of the crops were harvest and all but a handful of people starved.

Temples to Pothoseid


Temples to Pothoseid are found along the coast and he is prayed to for any sea related activities and also has special ties for the nobility who often worship only him. This produced a particular problem when the Princes relocated the capitol to the inland city Colchia as it was an inappropriate site for a temple to Pothoseid. The solution ended of being the construction of a temple in the middle of an artificial salt water lake. The official Royal Temple to Pothoseid is still located in Henecia.

Temples to local gods


Temples to the god of the island are shared with those of his spouse(s) and located on high points and are the focus of non-sea related worship and are often ignored by the nobility entirely. In the case of islands with more than one major mountain a temple might be to the god of the island and a single spouse, often the closest one particularly in the case of actively volcanic islands, or to the god and all of his spouses each with a separate depiction on the primary icon of the temple.

Religious Imagery


Much of the Principalities religious imagery is in the form of iconography. This allows for the depiction of more than one figure per icon in the case of the gods with multiple spouses. Icons range in size from the massive gold encrusted icon of Pothoseido in Henecia which takes up most the wall of the Royal Temple to thin wooden cards less than an inch in size common among the peasant.

Many icons were destroyed during the recent conquest but many more have gone missing. They may have been secreted away by the people.

Oracle of Isus


The traditional approach to the oracle is to sail out of sight of land then due west so as to arrive on the beach of Isus at sunset. They are then expected to sleep on the beach, unprotected as the ancestors did when arriving at the islands. At dawn supplicants are expected to walk up the river valley to the oracle without stopping arriving before nightfall. Any who arrive after nightfall are allowed to stay, but may not question the oracle. Those who arrive before the sun falls behind the mountain may question the oracle and are given a answer sealed in a scroll. They are not allowed to remain at the oracle overnight, nor on the mountain, once a scroll has been given it is considered bad luck not to immediately return to the beach. Once back at the beach the scroll can be opened and read. Read scrolls are tossed into the sea at the mouth of the river in echoing the doves of the ancient captains flying away. Great rewards are said to come to those who find their scroll washed up on a far away beach.

The town of Isa is on the opposite side of the river from the sacred path but close to the beach. It is considered a violation of the pilgrimage to cross the river before opening the scroll on the beach. However once the pilgrimage is complete many supplicants spend a night in Isa before returning home.



The economy of the islands relies heavily on fishing, though there is farming done on the larger islands. The island produce wine, fruit, wheat, olive oil, tuna, and squid in abundance. All are exported to the west.

The islands are severely lacking in native metals. Being volcanic there are no deposits of copper, tin, lead, iron, silver or gold. There is a industry of obsidian mining.

While there was a strong class separation under the Princes the distinction under Byzantium has become even worse with the natives occupying the lowest rungs and enslaved in all but name. The number of Antillians killed or carried off in recent years has also hampered development on the islands. This has only caused the rulers to increase taxes to make up for loses.
