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Timeline of ancient Greece

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This is a timeline of ancient Greece from its emergence around 800 BC to its subjection to the Roman Empire in 146 BC.

For earlier times, see Greek Dark Ages, Aegean civilizations and Mycenaean Greece. For later times see Roman Greece, Byzantine Empire and Ottoman Greece.

For modern Greece after 1820, see Timeline of modern Greek history.

Archaic Period (785–481 BC)


Classical Greece (480–323 BC)

  • 480 Aegina and Andros are impressed into the Hellenic League
  • 480 Emporion ousts Carthaginian influences
  • 480 Leonidas, Spartan, sacrifices 300 Spartan soldiers at the Battle of Thermopylae so main force can escape; Xerxes son of Darius is commanding the Persians.
  • 480 Croton, Leucas and Corcyra joins the Hellenic League
  • 480 Simultaneous with Thermopylae, the Greeks and Persians fight to a draw in the naval Battle of Artemisium.
  • 480 Boeotia, Attica and Phocis are occupied by Persia
  • 480 Battle of Salamis: Themistocles, Athenian general, lures Persians into Bay of Salamis, Xerxes loses and goes home, leaves behind Mardonius.
  • 480 Possibly simultaneous with the Battle of Salamis, Battle of Himera between Carthage and Akragas (Theron)-Syracuse (Gelon)-Himera (Thrasydaeus)
  • 479 Pausanias, Greek general routs Mardonius at the Battle of Plataea.
  • 479 Battle of Mycale
  • 479 Rhodes, Samos, Kos and many Greek cities in Persia begin to declare independence
  • 479 Paros is vassalized by Athens
  • 479 Athens annexes Tenedos
  • 479 Sestos is besieged by Athens
  • 479 Boeotian League is dissolved by Hellenic League
  • 479 Sicel Ducetius overthrows Miniu
  • 478 Byzantium is besieged by Athens
  • 478 Delian League is founded by Athens and is soon joined by Ionia, Delos, Kos, Euboea, Tilos, Rhodes, Karpathos, Athenai, Paros, Troezen, Sifnos, Doris, Aeolis, Andros, Aenea, Akanthos, Samos, Chalcis, Eretria, Chios, Methymna, Chalkidiki, Mutilḗnē, Sigeion, Éphesos and many others
  • 478 Gelon dies and is succeeded by Hieron, Polyzelos is put in control of Gela
  • 477 The Persian Empire abandons Europe except Doriskus and Eion
  • 477 Chalcedon, Byzantium, Carystus, Ainos, Perinthos and others join the Delian League
  • 477 Andros is turned into an Athenian cleurchy
  • 476 Micythus becomes Tyrant of Rhegion after Anaxilas' death
  • 476 Catania is split between Hieron and Ducetius, Catania is renamed Aetna, settled by Dorians and ruled by the Tyrant Deinmenes II
  • 476 Taras allies with Rhegion to protect themselves from the Iapygians, but later lose to them in battle
  • 476 Himera is settled by Doric colonists
  • 476 Sybaris declares independence from Kroton
  • 476–462 Cimon elected general each year
  • 475 Sybaris is annexed by Kroton
  • 475 Abdera and Eion join the Delian League
  • 475 Skyros is annexed by Athens
  • 474 Battle of Cumae
  • 474 Naxos joins the Delian League
  • 474 Hieron occupies the Parthenopean Islands
  • 474 Pindar, Greek poet relocates to Thebes (in Greece) from court at Syracuse.
  • 473 Taras is defeated by the Iapygians
  • 472 Thrasydaeus annexes Akragas after death of Theron
  • 471 Naxos leaves the Delian League and is subsequently sieged by Athens
  • 471 Themistocles ostracized.
  • 470 Dénia, Hēmeroskopeion (Ancient Greek: Ἡμεροσκοπεῖον) is founded by Massaliot Greeks.[6][7][8] The town was situated on the cape then called Artemisium (Ancient Greek: Ἀρτεμίσιον) or Dianium[9] (Ancient Greek: Διάνιον), named from a temple of Ephesia Artemis built upon it (goddess Artemis was called Diana in Latin).
  • 470 Naxos is impressed into the Delian League
  • 470 Ducetius annexes Ergezio
  • 470 The new urban zone of Neápolis (Νεάπολις) was founded by citizens of the nearby Greek city of Cumae on the plain of Parthenope after the victorious Battle of Cumae
  • 469 Illios is annexed by Mytilene
  • 469 Klazomenai, Phaselis, Aspendos, Doris and Priene join the Delian League
  • 468 Thrasydaeus is overthrown by Akragas
  • 468 Sophocles, Greek playwright, defeats Aeschylus for Athenian Prize for drama.
  • 467 Micythus steps down to Leophron
  • 466 Taras is defeated by the Iapygians
  • 466 Taras' monarchy is overthrown by democrats
  • 466 Thrasybulos succeeds Hieron
  • 465 Thasus leaves the Delian League and is sieged by Athens
  • 465 Abydos and Troad join the Delian League
  • 465 Thracian Chernessos is annexed by Athens
  • 465 Deinmenes II, Aenesidemus, Thrasybulos and Polyzelos are overthrown by their respective cities
  • 463 Thasus is impressed into the Delian League
  • 462 Megara leaves the Peloponnesian League
  • 461 Catania, Naxos and Catania declare independence from Syracuse, Dorian settlers are removed from Catania
  • 461 Kamarina is refounded under the Tyranny of Psaumis
  • 461 Cimon ostracized.
  • 461 Thera joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 461 Messene and Rhegion separate and oust Leophron
  • 460 Taras defeats the Iapygians
  • 460 Aetna is founded
  • 460 First Peloponnesian War Starts
  • 459 Aegina is besieged by Athens
  • 459: Morgantina is annexed by Ducetius
  • 459-455 Siege of Memphis, destruction of the Athenian fleet by Megabyzus
  • 458 Imbros is annexed by Athens
  • 457 Aegina is impressed into the Delian League
  • 457 Delphi is annexed by Phocis
  • 457 Pericles, Athenian statesman begins Golden Age, he was taught by Anaxagoras, who believed in dualistic Universe and atoms.
  • 457 Boeotia (Except Thebes), Phocis and Locris join the Delian League
  • 456 Gythium is raided by Athens
  • 456 Zakynthos joins the Delian League
  • 456 Castrugiuvanni (Enna) join Ducetius
  • 456 Aeschylus dies.
  • 455 Nafpaktos is impressed into the Delian League and settled with Messenian Helots
  • 454 Abacaenum is annexed by Ducetius
  • 454 Movement of Delian treasury to Athens and start of the First Athenian Empire
  • 454 Athenian annexation of Delos
  • 453 Palike is founded by Ducetius
  • 452 Akragas and Aetna are annexed by Ducetius, Ducetius sieges Motyon
  • 452 Nea Sybaris is founded by Sybarites
  • 451 Athens besieges Kition
  • 451 Motyon is occupied by Ducetius
  • 450 Naxos becomes a cleurchy
  • 450 Akragas and Motyon are liberated from Ducetius starting a decades long conflict between Syracuse+friends and the Sicels
  • 449 Delphi declares independence from Phocis
  • 449 Ducetius abandons the Sicel Federation he created and is forced to go into exile at Korinth
  • 449 Morgantina is annexed Syracuse
  • 449 Herodotus, Greek Historian, writes History of Greco-Persian War from 490 to 479.
  • 448 Delphi is annexed by Phocis
  • 447 Ictinus and Callicrates, Greek architects, begin construction of the Parthenon.
  • 447 Nea Sybaris is annexed by Kroton
  • 447 Chalcis leaves the Delian League and is besieged by Athens
  • 446 Phocis, Locris and Boeotia leave the Delian League, Boeotia unites into the Boeotian League and joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 446 Megara joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 446 Kale Akte is founded by Ducetius
  • 446 Achaea and Trozen leave the Peloponnesian League and join the Delian League
  • 446-445 Euboean Revolt
  • 445 Euboea is impressed into the Delian League
  • 445 Histiaea becomes an Athenian cleurchy
  • 445 First Peloponnesian War Ends
  • 445 Troezen is impressed into the Peloponnesian League
  • 443 Thurii is founded by Sybarites and Various Hellenes
  • 441 Euripides, Greek playwright, wins Athenian prize.
  • 441 Sybaris on the Traeis is founded by Sybarites exiled from Thurii
  • 440 Samos leaves the Delian League and is besieged by Athens
  • 440 Palike is destroyed, ending the Sicel Federation
  • 440 Ducetius dies
  • 439 Samos is impressed into the Delian League
  • 438 Founding of the Bosporan Kingdom[10]
  • 437 Newly founded Amphipolis annexes Eion
  • 437 Athens allies with Messapia
  • 436 Taulantii-Epidamos War
  • 435 Phidias, Greek sculptor, completes statue of Zeus at Elis, 1 of 7 wonders of the world.
  • 434 Epidamos becomes a democracy
  • 434 Epidamos is annexed by Korinth
  • 434 Kerkyra allies with Taulantii and besiege Epidamos
  • 434 Kerkyra seizes Outer Epidamos (City)
  • 434 Battle of Leukimme
  • 434 Kerkyra raids Kyllene
  • 434 Kerkyra joins Delian League
  • 433 Battle of Sybota
  • 433 Anactorium is annexed by Korinth
  • 432 Psaumis dies
  • 432 Potidaea leaves the Delian League and is sieged by Athens
  • 432 Pydna is besieged by Athens
  • 432 End of "Golden Age" of Athens
  • 431 Sparta commanded by King Archidamus II prepares to destroy Athens thus starting the Peloponnesian War.
  • 431 Plataea is besieged by Thebes
  • 431 Pagae and Atalanta is occupied by Athens
  • 431 Aegina is annexed by Athens
  • 431 Empedocles, Greek doctor, believes body has Four Temperaments.
  • 430 Athens abandons the Siege of Pydna
  • 430 Herakleion is impressed into the Delian League
  • 430 Spartan Siege of Zakynthos (Local Victory)
  • 430 Failed peace mission by Athens, bubonic plague year, Sparta takes no prisoners.
  • 430 Leucippus, Greek philosopher, believes every natural event has natural cause. Athenian Plague begins in Athens.
  • 429 Herakleion is annexed by Macedonia
  • 429 Potidaea is impressed into the Delian League
  • 429 All Chalkidiki cities (Except Mende, Acanthus, Scione, Stagirus and Aphytis) leave the Delian League
  • 429 Athens Siege of Kydonia (Local Victory)
  • 429 Phormio, Athenian admiral, wins the Battle of Chalcis/Rhium.
  • 429 Pericles dies of Athenian Plague, possibly typhus or bubonic plague.
  • 429 Hippocrates, Greek doctor, believes diseases have physical cause.
  • 429 First Battle of Naupaktos (Athenian Victory)
  • 428 Plato born.
  • 428 Mytilene and Antissa leave the Delian league and Mytilene is sieged by Athens, Antissa is sieged by Methymna
  • 428 Illios joins the Delian League
  • 427 Suppression of Mytilene, Antissa is annexed by Methymna, Mytilene becomes an Athenian Cleurchy, Mytilene Troad joins the Delian League as independent cities
  • 427 Archidamus II dies, Alcidas, Greek admiral sent to help Lesbos, raids Ionia and flees after seeing Athenian might. Athenian Plague returns.
  • 427 Plataea is impressed into the Boeotian League and by extension, the Peloponnesian League
  • 427 Aristophanes, Greek playwright, wins Athenian Prize.
  • 427 Corcyran Civil War (Democratic Victory)
  • 427 First Athenian Intervention in Sicily begins
  • 426 Megara occupies Pegae
  • 426 Athens sieges Lecus
  • 426 Pylos, Messene, Mylae, Aegitium and Tichium are occupied by Athens, Pylos is founded by escaped Helots
  • 426 Battle of Tanagra
  • 426 Amfissa joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 426 Ozolian Locris join the Delian League
  • 426 Demosthenes, Athenian general, and Cleon, Athenian demagogue, revitalizes Athenian forces, makes bold plans opposed by Nicias, his first military campaign barely succeeds.
  • 426 Ambrakia occupies Olpae and Argos
  • 426 Acarnanian League and Amphilochian League are founded and join the Delian League
  • 425 Acarnania occupies Olpae and Argos
  • 425 Athenian fleet bottles up Spartan navy at Navarino Bay, Nicias resigns.
  • 425 Herakleion is impressed into the Delian League
  • 425 Athens occupies Sphacteria
  • 425 Morgantina is annexed by Kamarina
  • 425 Ozolian Locris joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 425 Athens withdraws from Lecas and Acarnania
  • 425 Athens withdraws from Messene and Mylae is impressed into the Delian League
  • 424 Herakleion is annexed by Makedonia
  • 424 Eion, Akanthus and Amphipolis are besieged by Sparta
  • 424 Stagira joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 424 Nisaia, and Siphae are occupied by Athenai
  • 424 Thyrea is occupied by Athens
  • 424 First Athenian Intervention in Sicily ends
  • 424 Pagondas of Thebes (in Greece) crushes Athenian army at the Battle of Delium, Brasidas a Spartan general, has a successful campaign in the Chalcidice, Cleon exiles Thucydides for 20 years for arriving late.
  • 423 Sparta occupied Amphipolis and Scione
  • 423 Torone is occupied by Makedonia
  • 423 Akanthus joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 423 Truce of Laches supposed to stop Brasidas but does not, Nicias commands Athenian forces in retaking Mende.
  • 423 Olynthus form the Chalcidian League independent of the Delian League
  • 422 Stagira is besieged by Athens
  • 422 Neapolis is annexed by Rome
  • 422 Torone and Scione are impressed into the Delian League
  • 422 Cleon meets Brasidas outside of Amphipolis, both are killed (Battle of Amphipolis).
  • 422 Syracuse annexes the now weak Leontini
  • 421 Peace of Nicias brings temporary end to war, but Alcibiades, a nephew of Pericles, makes anti-Sparta alliance.
  • 421 Herakleion is impressed into the Delian League
  • 421 Cumae is annexed by Oscans
  • 421 Athens abandons the Siege of Stagira
  • 421 Delphi declares independence from Phocis
  • 421 Argulus, Apollonia, Potidaea, Akanthus, Stageira and others join the Chalcidian League
  • 420 Mantineia, Argos, Elis, Sicyon and Achaea betray Sparta and switch to the Delian League
  • 419 Athens occupies Epidauros
  • 419 King Agis II of Sparta attacks Argos, makes treaty.
  • 418 Battle of Mantinea, greatest land battle of war, gives Sparta victory over Argos, which violated treaty, Alcibiades thrown out, alliance ended.
  • 418 Orchmenos is occupied by Argos
  • 417 Orchmenos is given to Boeotia
  • 417 Sicyon joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 417 Epidauros is occupied by Sparta
  • 416 Melos is besieged by Athens
  • 416 Alcibiades makes plans, is restored to power.
  • 416 Selinus annexes Segesta's frontier provinces
  • 416 Massacre of the Melians.
  • 415 Hermai statues are mutilated in Athens, Alcibiades accused, asks for inquiry, told to set sail for battle (Sicilian Expedition), is condemned to death in absentia, he defects to Sparta.
  • 415 Many Syracusan cities rebel
  • 415–413 Siege of Syracuse
  • 414-413 Metapontion allies with Athens
  • 414 Lamachus, Athenian commander killed at Syracuse.
  • 413 Nicias and Demosthenes killed at Syracuse
  • 413 Leontini and Kamarina are vassalized by Syracuse
  • 413 Herakleion is annexed by Makedonia
  • 413 Miletus and Khios betray Athens and join the Peloponnesian League
  • 412 Alcibiades is expelled from Sparta, conspires to come back to Athens.
  • 412 Methymna is occupied by Sparta
  • 412 Klazomenai and Kyzikus betray Athens and join the Peloponnesian League
  • 412 Chios is sieged by Athens
  • 412 Aygrion dies and is succeeded by Aygris
  • 411 Sparta allies with Persia
  • 411 Aspendos is annexed by Persia
  • 411 Kyzikus and Klazomenai are impressed into the Delian League
  • 411 Oropos is occupied by Boeotia
  • 411 Illios is annexes by Lampsacus
  • 411 Athens abandons the Siege of Chios
  • 411 Sparta leaves Methymna
  • 411 Euboea, Byzantium, Abydos, Andros, Antandrus, Lampsacus, Chalcedon and Rodos betray Athens and join the Peloponnesian League
  • 411 Abydos is overthrown by Dercylidas
  • 411 Selinus attacks Segesta once again and aggravates Carthage
  • 411 Athens is overthrown by the Four Hundred
  • 410 After several successes, Athenian demagogue Cleophon rejects Spartan peace offers.
  • 410 Segesta is annexed by Carthage
  • 410 Four Hundred are overthrown by Athens
  • 409 Antandrus is annexed by Persia
  • 409 Abydos is besieged by Athens
  • 409 Sparta sieges Klazomenai
  • 409 Selinus and Himera are sacked by Carthage
  • 409 Byzantium recaptured by Alcibiades for Athens.
  • 408 The 3 poleis of Rodos unite and build a new capital called Rodos
  • 408 Athens besieges Paleopoli
  • 408 Athens abandons Siege of Abydos
  • 408 Sparta abandons the Siege of Klazomenai
  • 408 Alcibiades reenters Athens in triumph, Lysander, a Spartan commander, has fleet built at Ephesus.
  • 407 Thermae is founded by Carthage
  • 407 Athens abandons the Siege of Paleopoli
  • 407 Lysander begins destruction of Athenian fleet, Alcibiades stripped of power.
  • 406 Sparta sieges Methymna
  • 406 Akragas is sacked by Carthage
  • 406 Callicratides, Spartan naval commander, loses Battle of Arginusae over blockade of Mitylene harbor, Sparta sues for peace, rejected by Cleophon.
  • 405 Methymna is impressed into the Peloponnesian League
  • 405 Syracuse is overthrown by Dionysius the Elder
  • 405 Melos is annexed by Sparta
  • 405 Gela, Kamarina and Akrillai is sacked by Carthage
  • 405 Carthage allow the people of the sacked cities to return as Carthaginian subjects and rebuild their cities
  • 405 Leontini and Morgantina declare independence from Syracuse
  • 405 Carthage annexes Elymi, Sicel and Sican territory
  • 405 The naval Battle of Aegospotami in which Lysander captures the Athenian fleet, Spartan king Pausanias besieges Athens, Cleophon executed, Corinth and Thebes demand destruction of Athens.
  • 405 Klazomenai and Ephesus betray Athens and join the Peloponnesian League. All Carthaginian subjects (Except Ziz, their islands, Motya, Solus, Elymi, Segesta, and Entella) gain independence
  • 404 Athens capitulates April 25. Theramenes secures terms, prevents total destruction of Athens, Theramenes and Alcibiades are killed.
  • 404 Delian League is dissolved
  • 404 Korinth leaves the Peloponnesian League
  • 404 Entella is overthrown by mercenaries loyal to Carthage
  • 404 Aygris becomes a Syracusan Subject
  • 404 Nafpaktos is annexed by Ozolian Locris
  • 404 Athens is overthrown by the Thirty
  • 404 Athens joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 403 Aeimnestus, who is loyal to Dionysius, overthrows Castrugiuvanni
  • 403 Aetna is overthrown by mercenaries loyal to Dionysius
  • 403 Dionysius destroys Naxos and Catania and Sicels split Naxos with Syracuse, Catania is ruled by Campanian mercenaries loyal to Dionysius
  • 403 Athens overthrows the Thirty
  • 403 Athens leaves the Peloponnesian League and refounds the Delian League
  • 402 Elis leaves the Peloponnesian League and is subsequently sieged by Sparta
  • 401 Euboea joins the Delian League
  • 401 Elis is sacked and impressed into the Peloponnesian League
  • 401 Dionysius free Castrugiuvanni from Aeimnestus
  • 401 Poseidonia is annexed by Lucanians
  • 401 Thucydides, Greek historian, leaves account of "Golden Age of Pericles" and Peloponnesian War at his death (History of the Peloponnesian War).
  • 400 Adranon is founded by Dionysius
  • 400 Aygris annexes Centuripe
  • 400 Democritus, Greek philosopher, develops Atomic theory, believes cause and necessity, nothing comes out of nothing
  • 399 Illios declares independence from Lampsacus
  • 399 Sparta sways Persian Controlled Greek cities near Pergamon to their side and march on Egyptian Larissa and siege it
  • 399 Socrates, Greek philosopher, condemned to death for corrupting youth.
  • 398 Ionia joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 398 All Carthaginian subjects (Except Ziz, their islands, Motya, Solus, Elymi, Segesta, and Entella) gain independence from Carthage
  • 398 Dionysius sieges Segesta and Entella
  • 398 Mainland territory of Motya is occupied by Dionysius
  • 397 Motya is destroyed by Dionysius and the Carthaginians build Lilybaion to replace it
  • 397 Dionysius abandons the Sieges of Entella and Segesta
  • 397 Eryx, Segesta, Lipari, Messene and Entella are annexed by Carthage
  • 397 Carthage allies with the Sicel cities except Assorus
  • 397 Tauormenion is founded by Carthage to be a supply base, settled by Sicels
  • 397 Carthaginian forces have to go the long way around Mount Etna due to an eruption
  • 397 Catania is occupied by Carthage
  • 397 Battle of Catania
  • 397 Syracuse is besieged by Carthage
  • 396 Carthage lifts the Siege of Syracuse and abandons Eastern Sicily except Messene and Lipari
  • 396 Himera and Selinus are annexed by Carthage
  • 396 Gela, Ergezio, Catania, Adranon, Kamarina and Leontini are annexed by Dionysius
  • 396 Tyndaris is founded by Dionysius to combat piracy and a base of operations
  • 396 Persia annexes Rodos
  • 396 Sparta campaigns in Phrygia
  • 395 Sparta campaigns in Ionia, Caria and march up to Sardis
  • 395 Orchmenus leaves the Boeotian League
  • 395 Cephaloedium is annexed by Dionysius
  • 395 Mylae is annexed by Rhegion
  • 395 Argos, Korinthos and Boeotian League leave the Peloponnesian League
  • 394 Sparta withdraws from Anatolia
  • 394 All Thracian and Anatolian Greek cities leave the Peloponnesian League (Except Sestos and Abydos)
  • 394 Virtually all Greek Anatolian cities are annexed by Persia
  • 394 Klazomenaites relocate to an island off shore
  • 394 Mylae is annexed by Syracuse
  • 393 Lipari is annexed by Syracuse
  • 393 Italiote League is formed by Sybaris on the Traeis, Croton, Caulonia, Thurii, Rhegium and Velia
  • 393 Imbros, Lemnos and Skyros are annexed by Athens
  • 393 Makedonia starts paying tribute to the newly formed Kingdom of Dardania
  • 393 Chalcidian League annexes some Makedonian land
  • 392 Sparta occupies Lechaeum
  • 392 Heraclea Minoa, Akragas and Sicani territory are annexed by Carthage
  • 392 Sicel territory is annexed by Dionysius
  • 392 Makedonia stops paying tribute to Dardania
  • 392 Makedonia reannexes the land taken by the Chalcidian League
  • 392 Damastion is annexed by Dardania
  • 391 Korinth occupies Phlius
  • 391 Tauromenion is overthrown by mercenaries loyal to Dionysius
  • 391 Makedonia starts pays tribute to Dardania
  • 390 The Acarnanian League joins the Peloponnesian League
  • 390 Dercylidas is succeeded by Anaxibios
  • 390 Himera is merged into Thermae
  • 390 Dionysius transfers control of Mylae to Messene
  • 390 Kroton is annexed by Syracuse
  • 390 Argos and Korinth unite into Argos-Korinth
  • 390 Castrugiuvani is annexed by Syracuse
  • 389 Metapontion is annexed by Syracuse
  • 389 Anaxibios is overthrown by Abydos
  • 387 Rhegion is annexed by Syracuse and renamed it to Phoebea
  • 387 Peace of Antalcidas concluded between the Greeks and the Persians that leads to virtually all Greek cities in Asia Minor being annexed by Persia
  • 387 Ancona is founded by Greek settlers from Syracuse, who gave it its name: Ancona stems from the Greek word Ἀγκών (Ankòn), meaning "elbow"
  • 387 Argos and Korinth split
  • 387 All cities gain independence and all league except the Peloponnesian League are disbanded
  • 386 Phlius becomes a democracy
  • 385 Dardania attacks Molossia
  • 385 The Greeks colonized the island of Pharos (Hvar, Croatia).[11]
  • 384 Dionysius occupies Pyrgi and Caere
  • 384 Chalcidian League annexes Makedonia land including Pella
  • 383 Gela gains independence from Syracuse
  • 383 Dionysius leaves Eturia
  • 383 Liburnia besieges Pharos
  • 383 Potidaea leaves the Chalcidian League
  • 382 Thebes is overthrown by Leontiades and Archias
  • 382 Thebes is impressed into the Peloponnesian League
  • 380 Sparta besieges Phlius
  • 380 Makedonia recaptures their former territory
  • 379 Kroton is annexed by Dionysius
  • 379 Phlius is impressed into the Peloponnesian League
  • 379 The Chalcidian League is disbanded and its former members are impressed into the Peloponnesian League and Potidaea and Korinth also join the league
  • 379 Leontiades and Archias are overthrown and Thebes leaves the Peloponnesian League
  • 379 Sparta occupies Thespiae
  • 378 Themison overthrows Eretria
  • 377 The Boeotian League is refounded by Thebes
  • 376 Abdera is sacked by the Triballi and Maroneia
  • 376 Thespiae and the rest of Boeotia are liberated and join the Boeotian League
  • 375 The Acarnanian League defects from the Peloponnesian League and joins the Delian League
  • 375 Chalcidian League is reestablished by Olynthus and joins the Delian League
  • 373 Kerkyra is besieged by Sparta
  • 371 Sparta leaves Kerkyra
  • 370 Gythium is occupied by Thebes
  • 370 Heraclea Sintica is founded by Makedonia
  • 369 Korinth is overthrown by Timophanes
  • 368 Aetolian League is founded
  • 367 Daparria is annexed by Dardania
  • 367 Kroton is annexed by Bruttian League
  • 366 Opus declares independence from Athens with the help of Themison
  • 365 Opus requests Thebes to protect them from Athens and sends a garrison. Opus is impressed into the Boeotian League
  • 364 Timophanes is assassinated
  • 364 Orchmenus leaves the Boeotian League and is subsequently sieged by Thebes
  • 363 Orchmenus is impressed into the Boeotian League
  • 363 Pydna is impressed into the Delian League
  • 362 Themison dies and is succeeded by Plutarch
  • 361 Potidaea and Torone are impressed into the Delian League and become Athenian Cluerchies
  • 360 Tauromenion overthrows the mercenaries and falls under the tyranny of Andromache
  • 360 Illios is overthrown by Charidemos
  • 360 Abydos is overthrown by Iphiades
  • 359 Charidemos is overthrown by Illios
  • 359 Dardania annexes Lake Ohrid and Upper Macedonia
  • 359 Archelaus annexes Methone, Aegae and Pydna
  • 358 Archelaus is annexed by Makedonia
  • 358 Macedonia reannexes Lake Ohrid, Lynkestis and Upper Macedonia from Dardania
  • 358 Makedonia annexes Paeonia
  • 357 Social War Starts
  • 357 Kos, Khios, Rodos and Byzantium leave the Delian League
  • 357 Makedonia annexes Pydna and Amphipolis
  • 357 Dionysius II is overthrown by Dion
  • 356 Phocis annexes Delphi
  • 356 Locris is annexed by Dionysius II
  • 356 Lemnos, Samos and Imbros is occupied by Chios and leave the Delian League
  • 356 Makedonia annexes Crenides, renames it Philippi and settles it with Makedonians
  • 356 Makedonian border set on Nestus river
  • 356 Potidaea and Anthemus are annexed by Chalcidian League
  • 356 Makedonia besieges Methone
  • 356 Lokros is overthrown by Dionysius II
  • 355 Social War Ends
  • 355 Argolas is besieged by Phocis
  • 355 Dion is overthrown by Callipus
  • 354 Methone and Abdera are annexed by Makedonia
  • 354 Phocis abandons the Siege of Argolas
  • 354 Thessaly is vassalized by Phocis
  • 353 Catania is annexed by Callipus
  • 353 Makedonia occupied Pagasae
  • 353 Thessaly is vassalized by Makedonia
  • 352 Callipus is overthrown by Hipparinos (Callipus keeps Catania)
  • 352 Nicodemus overthrows Centuripe
  • 352 Orchmenus and Chaeronea are occupied by Phocis
  • 351 Rhegion is annexed by Callipus
  • 350 Akanthos is annexed by Makedonia
  • 350 Nice (Nicaea) is founded by the Greeks of Massalia (Marseille), and was given the name of Nikaia (Νίκαια) in honour of a victory over the neighbouring Ligurians; Nike (Νίκη) was the Greek goddess of victory.
  • 350 Hipparinos is overthrown by Aretaeus
  • 350 Mamercus ousts Callippus from Catania
  • 349 Plutarch is expelled from Eretria
  • 349 Aretaeus is overthrown by Nysaios
  • 348 Stagira is annexed by Makedonia
  • 348 Callipus is overthrown by Leptines
  • 347 Leontini is overthrown by Hicetas
  • 347 Plato, Greek philosopher, founder of Academy, dies.
  • 347 Methymna is overthrown by Kleommis
  • 346 Phocis withdraws from Boeotia
  • 346 Dionysius II leaves Locris and overthrows Nysaios
  • 346 Lyttos is besieged by Knossos
  • 346 Makedonia occupies Thermopylae and Antikyra, Nicaea is occupied by Thessaly
  • 345 Makedonia withdraws from Thermopylae and Antikyra
  • 345 Grabaei becomes a vassal of Macedonia
  • 345 Hicetas sieges Syracuse and seizes Syracuse's territory
  • 345 The Pro-Makedonian Tyrant Hipparchus overthrows Eretria
  • 345 Mainland Syracuse (City) is occupied by Hicetas leaving only the citadel in Dionysius' control
  • 344 Macedonia occupies Illios and annexes Tenedos
  • 344 Siege of Lyttos lifted by Knossos
  • 344 Knossos besieges Kydonia
  • 344 Hicetas is repulsed by Timoleon from Syracuse
  • 344 Timoleon takes control of all Syracusan forces outside the citadel
  • 343 Messene is rebuilt by Timoelon, Adranon is freed from mercenary control, Nicodemus is overthrown by Centuripe with help of Timoleon
  • 343 Timoleon annexes the citadel
  • 343 Siege of Kydonia is lifted by Knossos
  • 342 Rhegion is freed by Timoleon
  • 342 Aristotle, Greek philosopher, begins teaching Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon.
  • 341 Hipparchus is overthrown by Athenian forces and impressed into the Delian league
  • 341 Samothrace is annexed by Makedonia
  • 340 Antipolis (modern day Antibes) is founded by Phocaean Greeks from Massilia.[12]
  • 340 Skyros is annexed by Makedonia
  • 340 Entella is freed by Timoleon
  • 339 Elateia is occupied by Makedonia
  • 339 Agyris and Aetna are freed by Timoleon
  • 339 Nicaea is occupied by Boeotia
  • 338 Amphissa is annexed by Delphi
  • 338 Thyrea is annexed by Argos
  • 338 Mamercus dies
  • 338 Cumae is annexed by Rome
  • 338 Leontini is freed by Timoleon
  • 338 Nafpaktos joins the Aetolian League
  • 338 King Philip II of Macedon defeats Athens and Thebes at Battle of Chaeronea August 2 and establishes League of Corinth during winter of 338 BC/337 BC.
  • 337 Amfissa declares independence from Delphi
  • 336 Timoleon dies
  • 336 Lesbos is annexed by Makedonia
  • 336 Alexander succeeds father Philip II, who was assassinated by Pausanias of Orestis.
  • 334 Andromache dies and his city is annexed by Syracuse
  • 334 Battle of the Granicus
  • 333 Saminum is occupied by Epirus
  • 333 Alexander defeats Persians at Battle of Issus, but Darius III escapes.
  • 332 Epirus occupies Heraclea, Metapontium, Southern Lucania, Daunia, Paestum, Terina and Sipontum
  • 332 Siege of Tyre
  • 332 Siege of Gaza
  • 332 Alexander conquers Egypt.
  • 332 Alexandria is founded by Alexander the Great
  • 331 Epirus occupies Cosentia
  • 331 Battle of Pandosia
  • 331 Gerasa (Jordan) is founded by Makedonian veterans
  • 331 at Battle of Gaugamela October 1, Alexander ends Achaemenid Dynasty and conquers Persian Empire.
  • 331 Alexander the Great enters in Babylon
  • 331 Tauromenion is freed by Carthage
  • 331 Battle of the Uxian Defile (East of Susa, Iran)
  • 330 Sparta joins the League of Corinth
  • 330 Battle of the Persian Gate, destruction of Persepolis (modern Iran)
  • 330-325 Pytheas makes the earliest Greek voyage to Great Britain and the Arctic Circle for which there is a record.
  • 329 Siege of Cyropolis
  • 329 Battle of Jaxartes
  • 329 Alexander conquers Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • 329 Alexander the Great founds Alexandria Eschate in modern Tajikistan
  • 329-160 Dayuan Kingdom.[13]
  • 328 Sybaris on the Traeis is annexed by Bruttian League
  • 327 Oenidae is impressed into the Aetolian League
  • 327 Under the command of Alexander the Great the forces of the Hellenic League captures the fortress of the Sogdian Rock. Sogdiana and the Kabul region came under Hellenic control
  • 327 Alexander invades northern India, but his army is despondent and refuses to march further eastwards.
  • 326 Battle of the Hydaspes
  • 326 Samos joins the Delian League
  • 326 Alexandria Bucephalous (located on the Hydaspes river, Pakistan) is founded by Alexander the Great in memory of his beloved horse Bucephalus
  • 325 Nearchus serving under Alexander the Great discovers Tylos (the name used by the Greeks to refer to Bahrain).[14]
  • 324 Kroton is overthrown by Menedemus
  • 324 Charax Spasinu, one of Alexander's last cities before his death, is established at the head of the Persian Gulf (modern Iran) replacing a small Persian settlement, Durine.[15]

Hellenistic Greece (323–30 BC)


See also



  1. ^ Leon E. Seltzer, ed. (1952), Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World, New York: Columbia University Press, p. 1157, OL 6112221M
  2. ^ P. Christiaan Klieger (29 November 2012). The Microstates of Europe: Designer Nations in a Post-Modern World. Lexington Books. pp. 165–. ISBN 978-0-7391-7427-2.
  3. ^ Kalinin, Igor. "Одесские достопримечательности — раскопки греческого поселения". odessaguide.net.
  4. ^ M.J. Traister and T.V. Shelov-Kovedyayev, “An inscribed conical clay object from Hermonassa”
  5. ^ "Wadi Caam: The Greeks in Tripolitania!". Temehu. Retrieved 10 May 2012.
  6. ^ Spann, P., R. Warner, R. Talbert, T. Elliott, S. Gillies (December 2021). "Places: 265880 (Dianium/Hemeroskopeion)". Pleiades. Retrieved July 31, 2012.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ Strabo, Geography, translated by H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A., Ed. (1903) Strab. 3.4.6
  8. ^ Greek text: Strabo. ed. A. Meineke, Geographica. Leipzig: Teubner. (1877) Strab. 3.4.6
  9. ^ Smith, William (1852). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (Abacaenum – Hytanis). Vol. 1. Boston: Little, Brown. pp. 773.
  10. ^ Hind, John. "The Bosporan Kingdom". In Lewis, D.M.; Boardman, J.; Hornblower, S.; Ostwald, M. (eds.). The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. VI – The 4th Century BC. Cambridge: CUP. pp. 476–511.
  11. ^ Wilkes, J. J. The Illyrians, 1992, ISBN 0-631-19807-5, page 114,"... in the early history of the colony settled in 385 BC on the island Pharos (Hvar) from the Aegean island Paros, famed for its marble. In traditional fashion they accepted the guidance of an oracle, ..."
  12. ^ Freely, John, The western shores of Turkey: discovering the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, p. 91
  13. ^ It is mentioned in the accounts of the famous Chinese explorer Zhang Qian in 130 BC and the numerous embassies that followed him into Central Asia. The country of Dayuan is generally accepted as city state relating to the Ferghana Valley, and its Greek city Alexandria Eschate (modern Khujand, Tajikistan)
  14. ^ Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands: The Geoarchaeology of an Ancient Society By Curtis E. Larsen p. 50
  15. ^ Jona Lendering, Charax at Livius.org
  16. ^ The Greek historian Strabo too writes that: "they extended their empire even as far as the Seres (Chinese) and the Phryni". (Strabo, XI.XI.I)
  17. ^ "The advance of the Greek to Pataliputra is recorded from the Indian side in the Yuga-purana", Tarn, p.145
  18. ^ "The greatest city in India is that which is called Palimbothra, in the dominions of the Prasians ... Megasthenes informs us that this city stretched in the inhabited quarters to an extreme length on each side of eighty stadia, and that its breadth was fifteen stadia, and that a ditch encompassed it all round, which was six hundred feet in breadth and thirty cubits in depth, and that the wall was crowned with 570 towers and had four-and-sixty gates." Arr. Ind. 10. "Of Pataliputra and the Manners of the Indians.", quoting Megasthenes Text Archived December 10, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
  19. ^ "The text of the Yuga Purana, as we have shown, gives an explicit clue to the period and nature of the invasion of Pataliputra in which the Indo-Greeks took part, for it says that the Pancalas and the Mathuras were the other powers who attacked Saketa and destroyed Pataliputra", Narain, The Indo-Greeks, p. 112.